Is it real stone?

Yes, we only supply real stone. It is more durable and looks better, available in light weight and medium weight options. Our Stone veneer can be retro-fitted to many substrates.

When can you start?

Usually we come in after the painters. We ask if the painters can start where the stone will be butting into ie, gib, weatherboards, bricks etc. This way they will not have to cut in around our stonework or get paint on the stone.

Whats the difference in the styles of stone?

Panel stone comes in modules of 550mm long 200mm high and is mostly used on big jobs. Individual stone is random pieces that are hand crafted and laid one piece at a time giving a more authentic traditional schist look.

How thick is the stone?

It varies from 15mm to 50mm depending on the type of stone selected (this usually would include the adhesive too).

How heavy is the stone?

Craftstone NZ Stone has their stone at 65kgs per m2 and approximately 10kgs per m2 for the adhesives.

What adhesives do you use?

Craftbond from Craftstone NZ Ltd is the only adhesive that is used. Any other glue/adhesive will void any warranties.

What backing board do we use and how do we fix it?

9mm Primaflex can be purchased from Craftstone NZ, with the 'rough side' facing out. 65mm stainless steel 12 gauge screws at 150mm centres on all studs and nogs. Also, 9mm BGC Board can be used, fixed as per their specifications. No other brands of boards give a warranty for face loading stone. Definately so not use Hardies, nails/clouts.

Who puts the Primaflex board up?

This is done by the builder/LBP not by us.

Do we need an inspection?

It is becoming more common to require a Fixings Inspection and Waterproofing Inspection. Ask your local council inspector if these are required for your job before we start.

Do we (builder/homeowner) have to do the waterproofing?

No, that is done by us using Craftstone NZ Branz Appraised Waterproofing system.

How long will the job take you to do?

On Average, 7m2 a day for panel stone and 3m2 for individual stone. Various factors are site access, scaffolding, weather, degree of difficulty with job etc can alter this average.

Do you give a PS3?

Once the job is complete a Producer Statement will be issued to you from Craftstone NZ Ltd. This is a 15year warranty for Primaflex Board, Waterproofing, Adhesives and Stone. We also provide a 5 year workmanship warranty with Craftstone NZ's Producer Statement.