Second Opinion on Current Your Investment Portfolio

FREE Investment Portfolio Appraisal

Investment Second OpinionIf you are concerned that your investments are not sufficiently diversified, have not grown as much as you expected, or you do not have a clearly defined investment strategy then our no obligation second opinion service will give you peace of mind. We will give you an overview on whether the spread of your investments is suited to your risk return profile and objectives.

What our second opinion appraisal provides for you:

  • A discovery meeting to get a clear understanding of your current situation and financial goals.
  • A psychometric appraisal of your risk-return tolerance and risk capacity.
  • An analysis of the asset allocation to ensure it is within the recommended risk-return band; are you taking too much risk for the amount of return?
  • During our discussion  we will identify any issues and we can agree if you want a more detailed report.

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For a more detailed report that analyses the individual funds in your investment portfolio, providing research reports (where available) we charge a fee of between $750 to $1,500 (GST excl) depending on the complexity of your investments.