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Mayor's Memo



25 July, 2022

Kia ora.

Nominations are now open for the election process for Mayor and Councillors of the next Kaipara District Council. I am keen for Kaipara people to have many great candidates from whom to choose our next Council. We all need capable, trustworthy and keen Kaipara leaders to step forward and put their hats into the ring. Deadline for nominations is 12 August, making a talented pool from which options will be considered and choices made by Kaipara people at the election in October. The next month is the time when the options for future leadership of Kaipara will emerge. Don’t leave it until the last minute to consider nominations; I’ve heard in the past of people missing out by not preparing nominations well before the deadline. Kaipara needs a great Council for the next term, as there are dynamic times ahead for local government and plenty of exciting things going on in Kaipara. As a voter and ratepayer myself I want great candidates from whom to choose, and other people tell me they want the same. Who’s up?

The Council will soon be seeking a new Chief Executive, as current CE Louise Miller has announced she’ll be leaving Kaipara at the end of October. For the last four years Louise has led Kaipara District Council from the front and built around her a great team that’s set Kaipara on a better path. As Chief Executive Louise has overseen with flair the transformation of KDC to being a trusted Council that’s capable of successfully taking on large projects. With Louise the organisational culture of the Council has been invigorated for a new era and she leaves it in much better heart than it was at her appointment in 2018. Her calm and steady manner and unflappable style have served Kaipara well through a dynamic and challenging period, and our thanks and best wishes go with her for her next steps.

The wheels of Council have already started turning to find our next Chief Executive, and that process will be completed by the new Council. We have a steady and careful Council process for recruitment of talented leaders. As we start this new journey I have every confidence in what’s ahead, building on the results and stability of the Kaipara Council we’ve all made in recent years. Steady-as-she-goes, that’s the Kaipara way!

Nga mihi,

Mayor Jake

Dr Jason Smith, Mayor of Kaipara District

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